Source code for niimpy.exploration.eda.missingness

This module is rewritten based on the missingno package.
The original files can be found here:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff

from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

[docs]def bar_count(df, columns=None, title='Data frequency', xaxis_title = '', yaxis_title = '', sampling_freq='H'): ''' Display bar chart visualization of the nullity of the given DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df: pandas Dataframe Dataframe to plot columns: list, optional Columns from input dataframe to investigate missingness. If none is given, uses all columns. title: str Figure's title xaxis_title: str, optional x_axis's label yaxis_title: str, optional y_axis's label sampling_freq: str, optional Frequency to resample the data. Requires the dataframe to have datetime-like index. Possible values: 'H', 'T' Returns ------- fig: Plotly figure. ''' assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), "df is not a pandas dataframe." if columns == None: columns = df.columns resampled_df = df.resample(sampling_freq).count() if sampling_freq == 'H': resampled_df = resampled_df.groupby([resampled_df.index.hour])[columns].sum() fig = # Define xticks # Define xticks tickvals = list(range(0, 24)) ticktexs = [] for tick in tickvals: ticktexs.append("{:02d}:00:00".format(tick)) fig.update_layout( xaxis = dict( tickangle= 90, tickmode = 'array', tickvals = tickvals, ticktext = ticktexs, dtick = 5 ) ) elif sampling_freq == 'T': resampled_df = resampled_df.groupby([resampled_df.index.minute])[columns].sum() fig = # Define xticks tickvals = list(range(0, 60)) ticktexs = [] for tick in tickvals: ticktexs.append("{:02d}:00".format(tick)) fig.update_layout( xaxis = dict( tickmode = 'array', tickvals = tickvals, ticktext = ticktexs, dtick = 5 ) ) fig.update_layout(title=title, xaxis_title=xaxis_title, yaxis_title=yaxis_title, showlegend=False) return fig
[docs]def bar(df, columns=None, title='Data frequency', xaxis_title = '', yaxis_title = '', sampling_freq=None, sampling_method='mean'): ''' Display bar chart visualization of the nullity of the given DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df: pandas Dataframe Dataframe to plot columns: list, optional Columns from input dataframe to investigate missingness. If none is given, uses all columns. title: str Figure's title xaxis_title: str, optional x_axis's label yaxis_title: str, optional y_axis's label sampling_freq: str, optional Frequency to resample the data. Requires the dataframe to have datetime-like index. Possible values: 'H', 'T' sampling_method: str, optional Resampling method. Possible values: 'sum', 'mean'. Default value is 'mean'. Returns ------- fig: Plotly figure. ''' assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), "df is not a pandas dataframe." def _missing_percentage(df): # Return each column missing percentage # Count nullity in all columns nullity_counts = len(df) - df.isnull().sum() missing_perc = (nullity_counts / len(df)) return missing_perc if columns == None: columns = df.columns if sampling_freq: assert sampling_method in ['mean', 'sum'], 'Cannot recognize sampling method. Possible values: "mean", "sum".' if sampling_method == 'mean': resampled_df = df.resample(sampling_freq).mean() else: resampled_df = df.resample(sampling_freq).sum() # Transpose the dataframe so that timestamp index become columns resampled_df = resampled_df[columns].transpose() fig = else: fig =[columns])) fig.update_layout(title=title, xaxis_title=xaxis_title, yaxis_title=yaxis_title, showlegend=False) return fig
[docs]def matrix(df, height=500, title='Data frequency', xaxis_title = '', yaxis_title = '', sampling_freq=None, sampling_method='mean'): ''' Return matrix visualization of the nullity of data. For now, this function assumes that the data frame is datetime indexed. Parameters ---------- df: pandas Dataframe Dataframe to plot columns: list, optional Columns from input dataframe to investigate missingness. If none is given, uses all columns. title: str Figure's title xaxis_title: str, optional x_axis's label yaxis_title: str, optional y_axis's label sampling_freq: str, optional Frequency to resample the data. Requires the dataframe to have datetime-like index. Possible values: 'H', 'T' sampling_method: str, optional Resampling method. Possible values: 'sum', 'mean'. Default value is 'mean'. Returns ------- fig: Plotly figure. ''' assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), "df is not a pandas dataframe." if sampling_freq: assert sampling_method in ['mean', 'sum'], 'Cannot recognize sampling method. Possible values: "mean", "sum".' if sampling_method == 'mean': resampled_df = df.resample(sampling_freq).mean() else: resampled_df = df.resample(sampling_freq).sum() else: resampled_df = df.copy() # Create a boolean mask for the dataframe, where the null values are masked with False bool_mask = resampled_df.isna() # Plot the dataframe as pixel fig = px.imshow(bool_mask, color_continuous_scale='gray') # Update layout fig.update_layout(title=title, xaxis_title = xaxis_title, yaxis_title = yaxis_title, coloraxis_showscale=False, height=height) return fig
[docs]def heatmap(df, height=800, width=800, title='', xaxis_title='', yaxis_title=''): ''' Return 'plotly' heatmap visualization of the nullity correlation of the Dataframe. Parameters ---------- df: pandas Dataframe Dataframe to plot width: int: Figure's width height: int: Figure's height Returns ------- fig: Plotly figure. ''' # Remove completely filled or completely empty variables. df = df.iloc[:, [i for i, n in enumerate(np.var(df.isnull(), axis='rows')) if n > 0]] # Create and mask the correlation matrix. Construct the base heatmap. corr_mat = df.isnull().corr() # Calculate dissimilarity distance. # Dissimilarity is close to zero if correlation is close to 1 or -1. dissimilarity = 1 - abs(corr_mat) labels = df.columns # Initialize figure by creating upper dendrogram fig = ff.create_dendrogram(dissimilarity, orientation='bottom', labels=labels) for i in range(len(fig['data'])): fig['data'][i]['yaxis'] = 'y2' # Create Side Dendrogram dendro_side = ff.create_dendrogram(dissimilarity, orientation='right', labels=labels) dendro_side.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(visible=False)) for i in range(len(dendro_side['data'])): dendro_side['data'][i]['xaxis'] = 'x2' # Add Side Dendrogram Data to Figure for data in dendro_side['data']: fig.add_trace(data) # Create Heatmap dendro_leaves = dendro_side['layout']['yaxis']['ticktext'] dendro_vals = dendro_side['layout']['yaxis']['tickvals'] heat_data = corr_mat.reindex(columns=dendro_leaves) heat_data = heat_data.reindex(dendro_leaves) heatmap = [ go.Heatmap( x = dendro_leaves, y = dendro_leaves, z = heat_data, colorscale = 'Blues' ) ] heatmap[0]['x'] = fig['layout']['xaxis']['tickvals'] heatmap[0]['y'] = dendro_side['layout']['yaxis']['tickvals'] # Add Heatmap Data to Figure for data in heatmap: fig.add_trace(data) # Edit Layout fig.update_layout({'width':width, 'height':height, 'showlegend':False, 'hovermode': 'closest', 'title':title, 'xaxis_title':xaxis_title, 'yaxis_title':yaxis_title}) # Edit xaxis fig.update_layout(xaxis={'domain': [.15, 1], 'mirror': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'ticks':""}) # Edit xaxis2 fig.update_layout(xaxis2={'domain': [0, .15], 'mirror': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'ticks':""}) # Edit yaxis fig.update_layout(yaxis={'domain': [0, .85], 'mirror': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'ticks': "", 'tickmode': 'array', 'ticktext': dendro_leaves, 'tickvals': dendro_vals}) # Edit yaxis2 fig.update_layout(yaxis2={'domain':[.825, .975], 'mirror': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'ticks':""}) return fig